Mughalsarai (MGS) Electric Locomotive Shed


9:00 AM: I take an auto from Varanasi station to Mughalsarai station.
It takes half an hour to reach Mughalsarai.

Mughalsarai Loco shed is located just a few meters away from Mughalsarai station.

10:00 AM: I walk towards the shed.

The Engineers at Howrah Loco Shed where I have been a regular for more than 8 years have already informed the authorities at MGS Shed, that I will be visiting the Loco shed today.

I meet few of the engineers. We sit down and have a talk regarding my range of interests in Electric Locomotives.

After a while an engineer tells me to come with him so that I can have a thorough idea about the shed.

The shed has a capacity to hold 197 Locomotives. The shed only houses conventional Locomotives i.e WAP 4, WAG 7, WAM 4 and WAG 5.

The shed is divided into four sections:-

1.   Transformer Section
2.   Traction Motor Section
3.   Pantograph and other motors such as Static Inverter and Arno System.
4.   Testing Bay

It took me an hour to tour the entire shed. I spot several WAM 4 Locomotives and WAG 7 Locomotives. WAM 4 Locomotive’s are slowly being scrapped. 

The Loco shed was water logged. I couldn’t move towards the bay where a few BHEL made WAG 7 Locomotives were kept. A day before  a heavy downpour had resulted in the accumulation of water within the shed.

At 11:30 AM I leave the shed and I reach Varanasi at 12.30 PM.

I depart with a heavy soul. My interest in Locomotives will never wane. I don’t know whether I will be able to visit these places of my interest as I cease to be a student any longer. I have completed my, the results of which were announced a few days back.

Happy and Sad.

From the core of my heart, I thank IRFCA for providing me the platform which in the first place ignited my passion and interest in Locomotives. 


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A Rail Enthusiast. Born and brought up in Calcutta. Have interests in rolling stock and Locomotives and their control techniques. Also love to collect information and trivia on our Indian Railway network... Have worked with ABB, Siemens, Bombardier Transportation and Larsen & Toubro as an intern. I majored in Electronics and Communications Engineering as my undergraduate degree on 2nd August 2016.